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11% Complain of Phone Sickness

WARNING!  EMF radiation from this PC depletes your bioenergy! Get protection for your safety!

Your body has an energy signalling system that's vital for its proper function. See Energy Systems.  You need to protect it!
Don't exposure yourself to EMFs without protection. You wouldn't expose yourself to the sun for hours - you'd get skin cancer soon enough.  EMF is invisible and every day EMF stress affects your body putting your health at risk; a wide range of symptoms result. Just read What Doctors warnEMF radiation depletes bioenergy, compromising your immune system! There is a cumulative effect. Take advantage of my website to find out more about these modern day hazards.
An amazing new protection that really works is now available with GIA Wellness. You can avoid adverse health risks and enjoy a New Generation of Wellness in an increasingly electropolluted world. Electropollution is a real environmental toxin.

Especially don't expose your child to EMFs. They have a lifetime more to bear this and the full extent of risks is not yet known!

Over 1 in 10 Complain about Phone Sickness

By Kim Tae-gyu, Staff Reporter         3  May  2006

Mobile operators and governments have claimed cell phones don’t emit enough microwaves harm people, but sensitive Koreans are feeling their negative effects.

According to a survey by Rep. Suh Hae-suk at the governing Uri Party, 10.9 percent of 1,034 respondents said that they felt physical disorders due to cell phone usage.

As for the most common symptoms, 67 complained about a brief deafness and 59 suffered from headaches.  Forty-six felt a sudden paroxysm of tiredness and 29 couldn’t concentrate.

In addition, 93 percent of respondents said electromagnetic fields (EMF) from cell phones are harmful or affect human health in some ways while just 0.5 percent were against the idea.

To avoid microwave spectrum, 23.6 percent and 20.8 percent showed tendencies of turning to EMF-free fixed-line phones or communication with text messages.

In this climate, Suh urged the government to come up with measures geared toward reducing risks of microwaves stemming from mobile handsets.

"There are lingering disputes on whether EMF is bad for health but some researches point out it can be harmful for humans.  We need to conduct an exhaustive study on the issue," Suh said.

EMF is the physical influence that arises from charged objects.  It can occur in various fashions and one of the sources is microwaves carrying bits and packets of data.

Cell phones emit EMF like other wireless gizmos such as cordless phones.  As long as it is a communication device and is not attached to the wall by a wire, it emits radiation.

For decades, scientists from around the world have tried to find out the exact repercussions of EMF on human bodies but they have yet to reach a consensus on its potential damage.

With radio waves becoming an inseparable part of everyday lives, however, broad-based concerns have flared up regarding continual contact with EMF.

In particular, mobile phones become an issue as handset networks blanket Korea, creating the so-called electromagnetic smog. And people use the gadget in a most dangerous fashion - putting it up to their head close to the sensitive brain.

The Korean government has concluded that the amount of EMF coming from cell phones is negligible but more and more overseas reports start raising its potential risks.

For example, scientists from Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne recently found people’s response times slowed during a 30-minute mobile phone call.

Also some doctors point their fingers at the cell phone microwaves as one of the major triggers of brain tumors.

"We need to leverage the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) as the way to shun strong electromagnetic radiations from cell phones but people’s recognition on it is still low," Suh said.

Indeed, the poll showed only 23.5 percent of respondents knew the SAR, which is supposed to indicate the rate at which energy is absorbed by the brain from a particular model.

The results of the nationwide poll carried out on 1,034 people who aged 20 or older have a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3.05 percentage points.


You have a sophisticated body electronics system that is vital to its function.  So don't allow yourself to be exposed to health risks invisibly imposed by EMF radiation from electric & magnetic fields and pulsed microwave transmission signals, which are at frequencies that disrupt your brain and cellular functions.  Cellphone and cordless phone use does carry well-established risks!  EMF stress occurs with all other electric and electronic devices, too.  There are adverse health effects - see What Doctors Warn.  Scientific studies have shown that EMF exposure has a cumulative effect, increasing over time.   Be sure to reduce the risks for your children who face a lifetime of exposure and those with poorer health conditions, they are especially at risk.  For an appreciation of this start at Child Risks.

Depletion of your body's bioenergy causes a lowered energetic capability, at a fundamental atomic level.  See Atoms & EMF.  Disturbance of it's inherent bioenergetic system results in disruptions to cellular functions and a compromised immune system.  Start at Energy Systems.  Quite simply, your body systems are no longer able to work in the way that they would if such destructive interference from EMR was not imposed on you.  To see how human energies are affected by common electronic devices see bioenergy test charts showing patterns typical of that experienced by everyone from Human Tests.

If you can't understand why the authorities are allowing you to be exposed to such risks, start at my Research page.  So-called "safety" regulations only consider thermal (tissue heating) effects, but frighteningly disregard low frequency biological effects. Strong vested interests resist change to this in spite of mounting evidence.  For your own health and safety, and sustainable wellness, you need to adopt the Precautionary Principle with some urgency to avoid the risks of the invisible hazard of EMR that do compromise your health.  You can now make use of the amazing new GIA Wellness protection available to reduce the effects of EMR, and have the chance to enjoy sustainable wellness.  See GIA Wellness Protection Products.

Find out more so you can immediately protect yourself and achieve optimal health in our increasingly electropolluted world.


Health and safety needs to be treated seriously.  Be sure to get GIA Wellness (formerly Biopro Technology) protection for others that you care about, too.  Tell others about my website and the wealth of information it provides so they can avail themselves of this and the amazing new Biopro protection against the adverse health risks of increasing exposure to EMF in our modern technological world.


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Do you know of any enterprising people who care about others and may like to join with me in this worthwhile undertaking of providing protection to others from this growing  EMF radiation hazard?  You'll enjoy an additional income stream, too.

* Free Bioenergy test subject to product purchase and reasonable proximity to me or you pay travel costs, all at my discretion.

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